Top 5 high-end smartphones worth buying for the 2012 holiday season

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
Smartphone war starts ahead of holiday season. Starts with iPhone 5, then Windows phone 8 follow up, such as Nokia Lumia 920, Windows Phone 8X by HTC, Samsung ATIV S. The Nexus 4, announced yesterday and rumored for about 50 years before, goes on sale directly from Google starting November 13. The Smartphone war is heating up as smartphones play a bigger role this holiday season.Thinking about buying...

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Nokia Lumia 920 vs iPhone 5, price and top specs comparison

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
Since Stephen Elop, CEO, unveiled the Lumia 920 prototype in New York City On September 5, The Nokia Lumia 920 has gained a lot of attention from both the media and consumers. As Nokia’s flagship Windows 8 phone, many people are waiting for it, even though iPhone 5 has already been released part days ago. Now with the shopping season coming, AT&T is likely to launch the Nokia Lumia 920, which...

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Halloween 2012: Top 5 Halloween Scary Horror movies on YouTube

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
Halloween is around the corner. There are lot activities on Halloween, such as trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving pumpkins into jack-o’-lanterns, lighting bonfires, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and above all, my favorite part is watching horror films.What better to watch on Halloween than a horror Halloween movie? So if you are a horror films...

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Nokia Lumia 920 vs HTC 8X vs Samsung Ativ S,which windows 8 phone would you buy?

Posted by Unknown Senin, 22 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
Windows Phone 8 is going to launch next week. Microsoft is gearing up for the launch of the Windows Phone 8 operating system with a number of handset manufacturers announcing new smartphones for the platform, such as HTC ,Nokia and Samsung, in order to complete with Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS.When it comes to Windows Phone 8 it’s clear there are three major choices at the moment, the Nokia Lumia...

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Three measures Facebook have taken to Retain Social Network Dominance

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
With the developing of mobile devices,now more and more people appeals to have fun at any time anywhere with its portal device. Whether watch the YouTube videos or chat with friends, all of them have inspired company should pay attention to its mobile service. That includes the social networking giant–Facebook.Everyone wants to know how well Facebook is doing with mobile. According to a new research...

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5 best free music apps for android to make you enjoy the music

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
Whether you are riding the subway to work, walking in the park, or simply chilling at home, music is obviously the best way to help us get into a good mood. If you’re the type that needs to have music on hand at all times, then rest easy, Today, I picked up 5 best music apps for Android for you in the Music streaming market, and some of them are free. Now let’s get it start.Now Let’s go through some...

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The Top 5 Horror Movies 0f 2012 to watch for Halloween

Posted by Unknown Minggu, 14 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
It's October, and you know that means Halloween is getting closer to us. It is the best time for horror fan to enjoy their time, even though Horror movies come out all throughout the year. Here's The Top 5 Horror Movies 0f 2012, a list of what we're looking forward to for the rest of October.(ATTENTION: if you are afraid or not suitable for this HORROR movie, do NOT click it)1.“Paranormal Activity...

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Samsung galaxy s3 mini being announced tomorrow, 4-inch version to challenge iPhone

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
Samsung confirmed on Wednesday that it will launch the Galaxy S3 mini at an event planned to be held on Thursday. The new handset is expected to run Google's latest version of the Android operating system, Jelly Bean, with Samsung's TouchWiz interface.According to J.K. Shin, the boss of Samsung Mobile Communications, the company will reveal a 4-inch Galaxy S III named Galaxy s3 mini. He also said...

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Samsung enters Top 10 of global brands, thanks to Galaxy S III and Galaxy Note

Posted by Unknown Senin, 08 Oktober 2012 0 komentar
According to the results of its 13th annual Best Global Brands report, which released by Interbrand a few days ago, Samsung enters top 10 of global brands, Ranks 9th On Interbrand’s Best Global Brands. While at the same time, Samsung’s biggest competitor Apple is now the Second Most Valuable Brand in the World.Coca-Cola (KO) was able to retain its number one spot, although not by a wide-margin. Then...

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